Watch This Isn't Working
- 2016
- 1 Season
8.4 (93)
This Isn't Working is a workplace comedy web series that premiered on the Watch ABC platform in 2016. The show focuses on the trials and tribulations of a group of young adults as they navigate the ups and downs of entry-level jobs in Los Angeles. The series follows five main characters: Ali (Lisa Schwartz), a struggling actress working as a waitress; Owen (Connor Del Rio), a naive and inexperienced intern; Jackie (Anna Akana), a driven and ambitious personal assistant; Casey (Jackie Tohn), a deadbeat slacker; and Gus (Steve Agee), a jaded and lazy office manager. Each episode revolves around a different workplace scenario that highlights the challenges and absurdities of the modern-day job market. Despite the show's humorous approach, This Isn't Working touches on a variety of relatable and often poignant themes. The characters grapple with issues such as unemployment, discrimination, sexual harassment, and the struggle to balance personal and professional lives. The show also explores the changing landscape of work in the digital age, with storylines that address the rise of the sharing economy, remote work, and the gig economy. One of the signature aspects of This Isn't Working is its use of social media and technology to tell its stories. The show incorporates fictional social media platforms and texting conversations into its scenes, providing a window into the characters' personal lives outside of work. Additionally, the show's use of pop-culture references and internet memes adds a contemporary touch to its humor. Another standout feature of This Isn't Working is its talented cast, many of whom were already familiar to audiences from their work in online media. Lisa Schwartz, a popular comedian and YouTuber, brings her signature brand of quirky humor to the role of Ali. Connor Del Rio, who previously starred in MTV's Faking It, charms as the earnest and awkward Owen. Anna Akana, a YouTube personality and comedian, infuses Jackie with a fierce determination and a quick wit. And Jackie Tohn, a veteran of TV and film, steals scenes as the slacker Casey. Overall, This Isn't Working is a refreshing and entertaining take on the workplace comedy genre. The show's relatable characters, clever writing, and use of social media and technology make it a standout among its peers. Though it only ran for one season, the show has amassed a devoted following and remains a beloved cult classic among fans of online comedy.